This novel tells the story of the end of one affair between a man and a woman who don’t love each other and the beginning of an affair between a man and a woman who don’t want to love each other. Set in the movie production world, this is quite an original fanciful novel.
With this great title “Getting Used To the World’s Endings”, Page tells the story of Elias Caret, a 28-years-old brilliant film producer, who’s just been dumped by his alcoholic girlfriend and has just been beaten up, in the most unexpected way by his favourite film maker. It confronts him with existential questions such as whether his dreams ever come true, did he really love his ex, is his friend really his friend, etc. Through humorous moments and with fabulous prose, Page leads us little by little along the protagonist’s thoughts, and their evolution, reflecting on our neo-liberal society and transforming the cinema industry into an ingenious metaphor.
Publishing house : Le Dilettante, 2005.
Translation rights : Germany (Wagenbach), Italy (Garzanti), Brazil (Rocco), Greece (Astarti), Korea (Munidang), Netherlands (Wereld-Biblioteek), Finland (Like Kustannus), Slovakia (Sofa), Lithuania (Alma Littera), Spain (Kailas), Romania (Humanitas), Thailand (Circle publishing), Russia (Free Fly/Fluide), China (Taiwan, Bobos).
Paperback rights : J’ai Lu.
The ultimate Author’s Edition of the novel in french is the digital version (ebook, september 2013).