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© Zoe Victoria-Fischer (Creative Commons)


Martin Page is a writer and editor (Monstrograph).

Born in 1975, he spent his youth in the southern suburbs of Paris. He lives in Nantes, in the district of Doulon.

His first novel, Comment je suis devenu stupide, was published in 2001. It was followed by La Libellule de ses huit ans and On s’habitue aux fins du monde, published by Le Dilettante. At Ramsay: De la pluie. At the Olivier publishing house: Peut-être une histoire d’amour, La disparition de Paris et sa renaissance en Afrique and La Mauvaise habitude d’être soi (with Quentin Faucompré), L’apiculture selon Samuel Becket. He also writes for young people (Conversation with a chocolate cake-with Aude Picault, Je suis un tremblement de terre, La bataille contre mon lit-with Sandrine Bonini…). With Thomas B. Reverdy, he edited Collection irraisonnée de préfaces à des livres fétiches (Irreasonable collection of prefaces to favourite books) published by Intervalles. Finally, he published a comic strip with Clément C. Fabre with the drawings: Le banc de touche (Warum/Vraoum editions). His latest novel is a superhero novel for adults: I am a dragon.

In 2015, he created a publishing lab with Coline Pierré: monstrograph. There they publish unpublishable books that are refused everywhere, it’s about messing up a bit anyway, but that count: Au-delà de la pénétration, Eloge des fins heureuses (by Coline), Moi les hommes je les déteste (by Pauline Harmange), Poétique réjouissante du lubrifiant (by Lou Sarabadzic), the collective Les artistes ont-ils vraiment besoin de manger?, the handwritten and hand-drawn books Tu vas rater ta vie et personne ne t’aimera jamais, N’essayez pas de changer le monde restera toujours votre ennemi…

His books have been translated in about fifteen countries. He is the recipient of a scholarship from the Akademie Schloss Solitude.

In 2012, he published a horror novel (zombies) under the name of Pit Agarmen : La nuit a dévoré le monde.



His stop-motion movies on Vimeo.

He practices drawing, screen printing and painting :

Facebook official page.






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